Thursday, February 20, 2020

Language of Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Language of Advertising - Essay Example The entire goal of an advertisement is to inform someone of a product or service. Advertising also tells a reader something that they do not already know and through the use of design, captures attention. Advertising is primarily used, however, to create a cause and effect relationship between the company or business that placed the advertisement and then a reaction that is done by someone that saw the advertisement. O'Neill acknowledges that an advertisement will not work unless, â€Å"it captures our attention,† (O'Neill, 2006, 125). Advertising attempts to get people to do something or consider something that they normally would not without the additional information. Language in advertising is very important. The wording, as well as the design, can make or break the advertisement. In the case of a print advertisement, it is generally the aesthetic design and appeal of the visual advertisement itself which captures the attention of the reader. Next, it is the message that m ust captivate and compel the reader into taking action. That is why language is so important. In some ways, it can manipulate and in others it can persuade. The message makes the whole difference. O'Neill said that there were types of languages that were usually displayed in an advertisement such as a promise, a headline, sex appeal, a testimonial or a payoff statement (O'Neill, 2006). . None of these descriptions really tell how the language of the advertisement in question works. It makes a claim that it is â€Å"better† at something but that is it. Wording must be simple is the first part of the thesis. First off, words must be simple enough and grammatically correct so that a person can read them. A person needs to keep their advertisement simple so that it appeals to the reader. If the reader has to look up a word in a dictionary just to determine the meaning of the advertisement, then the ad is completely a lost cause. While looking at the advertisement of choice, it sa ys, â€Å"No other gasoline protects better. The Shell Nitrogen Enriched Advantage.† This simply states that the Shell petroleum products are better than the others. They seem to have a project that they want to promote to sell the nitrogen enriched segment. The way that this is worded is easy. There is nothing to look up and it is obvious what company is promoting the advertisement and does not provide any other information. Saying less words is more is another segment of the thesis at hand. Clearly, â€Å"No other gasoline protects better. The Shell Nitrogen Enriched Advantage,† statement clearly sums it up. In fact, it sums it up so much that it really does not do anything compelling. There is no description. There is no reason why and there is no instruction as to what the Shell Nitrogen Enriched Advantage is. Most people are to take action when a statement like this is offered but in this case, they would need to know what that means. The name Shell is a petroleum and fuel company that provides gasoline. Nitrogen enriched makes it sound as though the product is environmentally friendly. However, the details are almost too vague. As a reader, there is nothing about it that makes a clear memorable statement. The third part of the thesis would be to use call to action phrases. This is another area where this advertisement fails miserably. All it does is state a fact. â€Å"No other gasoline protects better.† So what? This is more of a branding technique style advertisement than it is an urge for someone to jump to action and actually do something. One thing that the advertiseme

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Attack Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Attack - Essay Example Israel uses all possible means to ensure that the balance of power in the Middle East shifts in her favor. Palestine on the other hand is gripped by fear as Israel strives to maintain and extend her territorial boundaries. Israel has continually done everything in her power to dominate Palestine. In an attempt to fight that dominance, Palestinians have realized their cause, for which they are willing to give up anything – even their own lives. In the fight for their cause, Palestinians have opted for radical measures, including guerilla tactics and terrorism. Extremist groups have emerged, and suicide bombers have realized the need for their hostile acts. In â€Å"The Attack†, Khadra depicts this situation, vividly describing the complexities entailed in both the Palestinian cause and the Israeli cause. In both, the end justifies the means. â€Å"The Attack† neutrally highlights the Arab-Israeli conflict. It offers a multidimensional scope on the hindrances for q uest for peace in the Middle East. Through a political fiction, it aims to elaborate what drives extremists to fight for â€Å"the cause†. It shows why extremists would not think twice about blowing themselves up in order to achieve their end. The author portrays this through the narrator of the story, Dr. Amin Jaafari, an Israeli-Arab. Dr. Amin seems to blend well in an Israeli society, in Tel Aviv. He is a successful surgeon, married to a loving, beautiful and seemingly secular wife. He seems oblivious of the separatist views experienced by Arabs and the Israelis. Unlike most people in the region who are driven by ethnic and religious differences, he is driven by his ambitions to succeed in his career. His bubble bursts when he finds out that his wife was involved in a suicide bombing that left innocent people dead and injured. At first, he did not believe that his wife could be capable of such an evil act until the police asked him to identify the body of the suicide bombe r. He was shocked when the police told him that his wife had not gone to the restaurant where the incident occurred to have a snack. Instead, she went to have a blast (Khadar, 2006). Later, a letter from his wife confirmed his doubts. The incidence gives him the desire to understand his wife’s extremist side, a side he had barely figured out before. The author poses fundamental questions regarding the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He leaves the reader wondering whether the cost paid for the cause is worth it. Lives are lost; people are left psychologically disturbed by the effects of recurrent bomb attacks, hostilities and general unrest. Those close to the attackers are left tormented by betrayal and deceit. For Dr. Amin, news of his wife’s involvement with a fanatic group leaves him with a lot of unanswered questions. After the attack, Amin loses his friends, neighbors and political affiliates, who think that he was his wife’s partner and is there fore equally guilty. Truth is, unlike his wife, he was dedicated to setting aside religious differences; and focusing on his career and success. It is disturbing to imagine why â€Å"a beautiful, intelligent, modern woman, esteemed by the people around her, thoroughly assimilated, pampered by her husband and worshiped by her friends† could end up as a suicide bomber (Khadra 2006). The author leaves the reader wondering whether seemingly modernized individuals from the Middle East may just be putting on a